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50% Pure Mānuka Multifloral Honey 17.85oz

Regular price $18.99


A delicious blend of Mānuka and native New Zealand wildflower. Our best-tasting Mānuka Multifloral. The 50+ indicates the jar contains 50% Mānuka pollen or more. The exact percentage can be found on the label.

Mānuka is unique to New Zealand and has been revered for generations for its healing properties. Containing over 20 natural sugars.

Provides daily support, aids in digestive and gut health, soothes coughs and sore throats, and is a natural energy booster.

All Airborne Mānuka Honey is independently tested to meet or exceed the manuka standard set by the New Zealand Government's Ministry of Primary Industries - the world's only government-regulated and approved standard for Manuka Honey.

Free from antibiotics, glyphosate, and pesticides.


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